Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Let’s take better photos!

I did a work shop with Carol and these are photos that I took.

This is extreme close up view.

Super view

This is rule of thirds view.

Time to climb

This is pattern view.

Giant stripes

This is rule of thirds and extreme close up view.

Boom bloom 


1 comment:

  1. Jaimee, you've done a great job of these photos for this post.

    All I need now, is one more photo (the challenge was for FOUR different photos). That's all you need now so that you can then apply for my new Photographer Whiz Badge.

    When you've updated the post, you can apply for the new Badge using the new Badge Request form - you'll find it linked on your SPRINT Team site under the eTools section.

    I can't wait to see what your next photo will be, and get your badge application!

    Keep up the great work.

